Home Diets to lose weightCrash diets Macedonian Shock Diet against excesses

Macedonian Shock Diet against excesses

by Georgia Ede
Published: Last Updated on

Fruit salad, a delicious solution to lose weight

With the arrival of good weather, we feel like fruit much more. Fresh seasonal fruit is one of the best friends of a healthy diet. Generally, we consume little fruit and many times it is given because it has been given a bad reputation for its sugar content. As you will be able to see in this article, none of this is true, the fruit is very healthy and does not make you fat. It provides us with a large amount of vitamins , minerals and fiber ; All these nutrients are very interesting for our body and also help us to maintain our ideal weight.

If you want to know more about whether fruit makes you fat or not, we recommend that you read this post Do fruits make you fat?  Here we leave you all the information about it, so that you have no doubts.

There are many myths around the fruit, such as that it should not be consumed at night, or as a dessert, but I just mentioned, these are all myths; here is another one. Are figs fattening?

The fruit is very healthy , and we can drink as a snack or dessert, day or night. We must learn to choose correctly which fruit is best for us according to our needs and according to the moment in which we take it.

Here is a link with the best fruits to lose weight , and later we will explain how to choose fruit according to the time of day.

What does fruit give us?

Fruit, in general, provides us with vitamins and minerals and although it provides us with sugars, these are necessary for the proper functioning of our body.

In addition, the fruit recharges us with antioxidants because it provides us with vitamin C, which is very useful to fight against premature cellular aging and against free radicals.

If you want to know more information about antioxidants, click on the link, where we leave you the antioxidant diet.

In addition, fruits help our body to hydrate quickly contributing to a good functioning of our body and the correct elimination of fluids and toxins, that is, they are diuretic and purifying . They also help the proper functioning of the digestive system.

Its high content of soluble fibers improve digestion and certain problems such as constipation .

In addition, they do not provide us with fat (except for nuts or avocado), so they are an important ally in weight loss regimes due to their properties.

How do crash diets work?

Generally, crash diets are used for two different purposes, but they share properties.

First you can use a crash diet to compensate for an excess caloric produced. That is, when we have eaten too much, after an event, on vacation, etc.

These days of shock, we will carry out a hypocaloric diet to compensate for the caloric surplus and regularize our body.

This will motivate a rapid weight loss , but we must be careful, since these diets should not be prolonged in excess , they have a certain direction because prolonging them could cause deficits in our system, putting our health at risk.

Second, you can use a crash diet to motivate yourself to lose weight before eating a balanced diet to lose weight gradually and sustainably over time; Or when you’re dieting and you feel like you’ve been stuck and not losing enough. Crash diets work very well in these situations.

For this we offer the shock menu that you can use in 3 different ways.

  • To compensate for excesses, do two shock days a week, always on alternate days.
  • As motivation to lose weight doing three days in a row of the crash system.
  • To regularize your caloric intake, do a normal diet day on a crash day.

These three options are adapted according to your needs. It is important that you do not prolong the shock for more than three days in a row , as it can cause deficits due to its low caloric intake.

On shock days, try not to do excessive exercise, because the prescribed caloric amount is very low, you can go for a walk, ride a bicycle, do aerobic exercise but always in a moderate way and with good control of hydration and food.

Clash of the Macedonian and orientative menu

Fruit Macedonia , a great ally to lose weight or lose weight , even more so if we carry out this fruit crash diet.

As we have indicated previously, fruit brings us a lot of benefits but we have to know how to choose it according to our needs. Here we leave you a table with the fruits and their calories so that you can choose the most caloric fruits during the day and the least caloric ones during the afternoon at night, since the activity level decreases and we burn fewer calories during the night.

Try to bet on fruits with a high content of water, vitamins and minerals, with a low concentration of sugars, etc.

Skimmed bifidus yogurt and a peach.
Two slices of natural pineapple. An infusion.
A cup of celery broth + grilled chicken fillet. Acid fruit salad (One kiwi, one orange, one tangerine and half a grapefruit).
Mid afternoon
A skimmed bifidus yogurt.
A cup of celery broth and natural fruit Macedonia (orange, kiwi, apple).


  •    Instructions to make the celery broth:

Boil 1.5 liters of water with 3 celery sticks and 3 onions for 20 minutes, mash and strain.

Approximate nutritional analysis:

980 Kcal. Carbohydrates: 51%, Proteins: 29%, Lipids: 20%, Fiber: 19.6 g.

If you are interested in other crash diets, we offer you many others such as the fish crash diet , or asparagus .

You can also see the banana diet to lose weight, in which you will discover that the banana is a great ally to lose weight , despite its fame. Or the grapefruit diet , with a system of 3 or 7 days to lose weight.

If you like fruit crashes, you may also like the watermelon crash diet , or the apple diet , with different options to lose weight or the nectarine crash , a delicious fruit that can help you lose weight .

You have many options to achieve your ideal weight, you can!

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