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Foods and Vitamins to gain weight

by Georgia Ede
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Get fat the easy and healthy way

Most people seek to have a balanced weight that allows them to have good health and a figure that looks aesthetically good, generally most people seek to lose weight since today’s society accumulates bad eating habits and that they are unhealthy, translating into an increase in body weight.

Nowadays we eat quite badly, we do little physical exercise and life is increasingly sedentary, which is why most people seek to lose weight in order to look good.

But not everyone has the same problem, there are those who find it difficult to gain weight, although it may seem incredible to us, there are people who have difficulties to gain weight and generally, everything is a matter of modifying certain eating habits to achieve the ideal weight.

Being under the ideal weight is also a problem that can seriously affect our health, as a consequence this can cause hormonal imbalances , bone problems, gastritis, weakness, fatigue and many other symptoms that can reflect the appearance of diseases.

If you feel that you must gain weight and you want to do it in a healthy, balanced and ultimately adequate way, we are going to explain how to gain weight in a healthy way.

Do vitamins work to gain weight?

Have you heard that vitamins are fattening? It is actually a statement that is not entirely true, since just by taking these types of nutrients you will not gain weight, but what they do in your body is to change your metabolism and open your appetite .

For this reason, it is said that there are vitamins that make you fat, but you do not get fat because you take them, but because of the changes that they produce in our body.

According to the studies carried out on the consumption of vitamins to gain weight, this fact of consuming vitamins makes many deficiencies that your body may have disappear, and that may be the cause of low weight.This could be the cause that your metabolism does not is working properly and does not function normally.

On the other hand, one of the effects of vitamin consumption is that they increase appetite, so you will notice a greater need to eat, which causes us to increase caloric intake .

Below we offer you a list of the best foods to gain weight, as well as the vitamins that interest you most to gain weight in a healthy way, remember that we not only seek to gain weight, but to do it in a healthy way that does not put our own risk health and that of our body.

What foods help you gain weight?

  • Eggs:  Eggs are lean proteins of high biological value, ideal for increasing muscle mass. Unlike other foods, eggs do not provide harmful fats for the body. They are a rich source of minerals such as calcium, iron and sodium, and a large amount of vitamins, the fats are found in the yolk.
  • Dairy products: Dairy  products are a good ally for those who want to gain weight, they are a source of essential fatty acids for the body, they also provide us with vitamins and minerals. It is recommended to consume dairy products in their purest state as they provide large amounts of protein and calories, although they provide us with healthy fats. We must choose whole dairy products , not skimmed. In the case of yogurt, we will opt for Greek yogurt.
  • Pasta:  Pasta is a widely consumed food, easy to combine and it is also easy to prepare. It can be combined with many nutrients that provide great health benefits such as vegetables and meat or even fish. Pasta is a highly energetic product , so it is a good ally to include in the diet to gain weight. We must prepare it with meats and vegetables with sauces made with healthy fats such as olive oil or cream, etc.
  • Whole wheat bread  Bread made with whole grain flours such as wheat, spelled, rye, oats, wheat germ, among others, are ideal for gaining weight in a controlled and healthy way. This type of food provides sugars and vegetable fats and calories that are beneficial for health, balancing the weight without consuming simple sugars that are not so beneficial for health.
  • Nuts:  They are a rich source of good vegetable fats , vitamin E, fiber, and antioxidants. In addition to helping to gain weight in a healthy way, they will have many benefits for good digestion and the prevention of many diseases related to the digestive tract.
  • Beef or beef:  The moderate consumption of beef is ideal to gain weight quickly thanks to its fat content. Beef is rich in proteins and essential substances for the formation of all the body’s tissues, as well as in vitamins of the B complex, proteins and minerals, which will help to guarantee a correct content of vitamins, essential proteins for our body, but We should not abuse its consumption because of its high fat content that can harm our health.
  • Fish:  Fish contains high biological quality proteins and is a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids, so including them in the diet is ideal to increase in a progressive, moderate and balanced way, its amino acids are very beneficial for health and Unlike meat, they do not provide saturated fat, which is why they manage to avoid overweight, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.

What vitamins help you gain weight?

Vitamin B6 and B12

Among the vitamins to gain weight, one of the best options are the B complex vitamins, especially vitamin B6 and B12.

These vitamins are ideal to help you increase muscle mass in addition to gaining weight.

Vitamin B12 is present in many foods, generally in foods of animal origin, and is essential for the production of red blood cells and to give your body energy.

Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause a lack of appetite, making you eat less and consequently make it more difficult for you to get the calories you need to gain weight.

C vitamin

Among the best vitamins to gain weight, you cannot miss ascorbic acid or vitamin C, since it can help you gain weight, in an indirect way, since according to the latest studies its daily consumption reduces metabolic function, that is, it will burn fewer calories so we will burn fat more slowly, ensuring that some remain stored in the body and producing a progressive weight gain.

Vitamin E

This natural antioxidant can help you gain weight as it purifies and regenerates your body, causing it to cleanse itself and better assimilate the nutrients it absorbs from food.

It is present in foods such as wheat germ, olive oil, broccoli, green leafy vegetables, almonds, and walnuts.


This protein fiber will be very useful to gain weight, since it contributes to the increase of fat tissues, as well as muscle mass.

If you want to naturally increase insulin levels in your body, you must increase the consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates.


It is very useful for increasing muscle mass and gaining weight in a healthy way, without the presence of fat.

You can obtain it without problems, increasing the consumption of red meat and fish, as we have indicated previously.

But, if what you are looking for is vitamins to gain weight quickly, the best thing you can do is consume them in a synthetic form.

You can learn more about the best protein shakes and how to choose them here .

Recommendations to gain weight in a healthy way

Before starting with a diet to gain weight, the ideal is to go to the nutritionist so that he can evaluate what your ideal weight is, he can also give you some guidelines to gain weight in a healthy way, if you want you can find out in depth here where we offer you the diet to gain weight fast and increase muscle mass .

These foods are a very healthy way to achieve a balanced weight without negative health effects; You should avoid eating foods with excess fat, sodium, flour, among others, since although they gain weight but can cause obesity and other serious health problems, to complete your diet you can choose the best natural protein shakes that you will help increase your weight.

You can also consult on our website the best shakes to gain weight in a healthy way , with numerous recipes that you will love. You cannot miss them.

The ideal is to combine food with a good exercise routine as these increase muscle mass, since physical exercise stimulates the appetite, relieves stress and improves mood, in addition to demanding a higher caloric consumption.

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