Home Diets to lose weight Easy Diet Is losing weight effortlessly possible?

Easy Diet Is losing weight effortlessly possible?

by Georgia Ede
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Who can make the diet easy?

This diet is aimed at those people who want to lose weight and want to lose weight effectively and easily, without effort , eating well and healthy . Without great restrictions and in a suitable way for the body. As its name suggests, it is an easy diet to carry out and does not require a great sacrifice, you simply have to take into account certain recommendations and get to work.

This diet is suitable for all types of people because it is a balanced diet that does not have risks for our health, and that also makes us lose weight safely and sustained over time, so it does not have a rebound effect; since it bases its success on modifying dietary guidelines to teach us to eat healthily.

How much weight can I lose and when will I start to notice it?

The menu is not very strict but you can lose around 2 kilos a week on average, the first weeks, by modifying certain eating habits you can lose even more.

The results, as I have commented previously, you will notice them even in the first week, since you will begin to lose weight easily in the first days. At the beginning, the weight loss is rapid, since we will also lose retained fluids. By modifying eating behaviors, the body will begin to cleanse itself.

If you are interested in diets to lose weight quickly and cleanse your body of toxins, try the cleansing diet , with important benefits for your health.

We want this diet to make it really easy for you and start losing weight quickly without much effort, just by modifying certain habits and learning to eat in a healthy and balanced way so that our body receives all the necessary nutrients to develop its metabolic activity normally by providing it the best foods to make it easier for you to lose weight .

This diet does not have a specific duration , so you can carry it out until you achieve your goal. The amount of kilos you can lose depends mainly on the rate of your overweight. The truth is that if you combine it with regular physical exercise, you can reach your ideal weight.

What is the secret of the easy diet?

This diet is very simple to carry out and is based on some basic measures that will make you achieve your successes. These guidelines are not complex, they are measures that are aimed at changing our lifestyle, leading us towards a healthy lifestyle , in which we learn to eat healthily and as a result, we will lose weight.

In addition, our body will get the necessary nutrients to develop its functional activity, also providing it with fewer calories and fat. If you are interested in balanced diets to lose weight, you can try the balanced diet , a healthy and balanced diet suitable for all audiences.

Nutritional guidelines

Nutritional guidelines are vitally important when dieting to lose weight because they are the foundation for success.

It is recommended that we eat at least 5 meals, to distribute the necessary energy throughout the day and make the metabolism remain active most of the day, in order to burn more calories. Here is a post for you to understand the importance of basal metabolism when dieting.

In addition, we must drink around 2 liters of water a day, since we must ensure that our body is properly hydrated, to eliminate retained fluids , and prevent fluid retention due to dehydration.

What should i eat

We must bet on seasonal fruits and vegetables, allowed in the diet, and include these foods so that we consume more vegetables and fruits and fewer products that provide us with unnecessary fats and sugars for the body.

Meat must be present in our diet, always being lean meats that provide us with the least amount of fat possible.

Fish must be very present in the diet, at least one daily ration, as it provides us with essential fatty acids.

We must balance the proteins between those of vegetable and animal origin, we recommend that there be 2 servings per week, at least, of legumes.

Recommendations to carry out the diet

  • The allowed fruit is the following: pineapple, apple, pear, kiwi, plums, tangerine, orange, grapefruit and watermelon.
  • It is recommended if it is possible to choose pineapple as the usual fruit , in that case, pineapple can be natural or in its juice, never in syrup due to its high sugar content.
  • As for the teas, it is recommended that you use the infusion bags since those that are already prepared usually contain large amounts of sugar. Like the juices, it is also preferable that they are 100% natural, not packaged, since they contain many sugars.
  • It is preferable to replace sugar with natural sweeteners; stevia ,  honey , maple syrup or agave sirup . Of which you can find out in depth about their uses, calories and properties by clicking on each of them.
  • It is important that when cooking food we do not add more fats than those that naturally already have. We must cook on the grill or steam, or in the oven without oils. We will not add cream-based sauces or condiments or butters or stir-fries that add calories to our dishes. Fried or breaded or battered are not allowed.
  • You must distribute two tablespoons of olive oil for the whole day.
  • It is important to combine the diet with physical activity on a regular basis, at least 3 days a week can make us lose weight more quickly because the body will burn more calories and we will keep the metabolism active, which facilitates weight loss.
  •  The days can be alternated, it is not necessary to follow the order shown, since the combinations of this diet are totally balanced daily.

** Extra tip : – Before starting the diet, go to your herbalist since it is convenient that you take a natural product to urinate such as horsetail , or pineapple concentrate.

You can also take a few drops of artichoke syrup to help drain the body or sage , with many properties. But all this is optional, you can only do the diet and you will achieve your goals without taking any supplements to lose weight.

If you like them, you can opt for herbal teas to lose weight .


Weekly menu

 A latte and two slices of whole wheat bread with cooked turkey and fresh cheese.
 A piece of fruit
 Steamed hake with steamed vegetables. An infusion.
Mid afternoon
 Miscellany of fruits.
 Lettuce with a can of natural tuna and a piece of chicken or turkey breast.
 A natural juice and a toast of flax bread with a little fresh cheese.
 A low-fat yogurt.
 Mixed salad with a grilled tuna steak.
Mid afternoon
 A chunky tomato with fresh cheese and a slice of Serrano ham.
 Green beans with a hard-boiled egg and a can of natural tuna. A yogurt.
 A latte and two slices of whole wheat bread with cooked turkey and fresh cheese.
 A piece of fruit
 A mixed salad (without corn) and a fillet of beef.
Mid afternoon
 A piece of fruit.
 Steamed mussels and boiled cauliflower. An infusion.
 A natural juice and a toast of flax bread with a little fresh cheese.
 A low-fat yogurt.
 A beef fillet and a hard-boiled egg and lettuce with natural tuna.
Mid afternoon
 A natural juice and a slice of pineapple.
 A vegetable soup and a yogurt.
 A latte and two slices of whole wheat bread with cooked turkey and fresh cheese.
 A piece of fruit
Baked fish with steamed vegetables.
Mid afternoon
 Miscellany of fruits (pineapple, kiwi and pear).
 A scrambled eggs with mushrooms and garlic and a yogurt.
 A natural juice and a toast of flax bread with a little fresh cheese.
 A low-fat yogurt.
 Chicken breast with steamed broccoli.
Mid afternoon
 Two slices of pineapple and an orange juice.
 A mixed salad without corn.
 A latte and two slices of whole wheat bread with cooked turkey and fresh cheese.
 A piece of fruit
 Tomato salad with fresh cheese and oregano. A grilled beef steak.
Mid afternoon
 Miscellany of fruits.
 An omelette with asparagus and a mixed salad.

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