Home Diets to lose weight Low cost diet, a cheap low cost diet

Low cost diet, a cheap low cost diet

by Georgia Ede
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Low cost diet, available to everyone

A diet that took time to come out but so many people feel the need to be on a diet without paying large amounts of money for the products they consume , that we have not been able to avoid studying inexpensive meal plans available to anyone.

No vitamin supplements, or excessively expensive products that make the shopping cart more expensive .

With this diet we calculate that you can lose around 1.5 kg a week costing us the weekly shopping basket around 25-30 euros approximately. With the guidelines that we will give below, we will elaborate an indicative daily menu that you can modify to prepare the rest of the days.

First of all, the basic recommendations to start a diet are the following:

  • You must be aware by and for you of what it means to start a regimen, do not do it for nothing, or for anyone, do it for yourself and for your health .
  • You must maintain a positive and motivating attitude that makes you feel strong to achieve your goals. You must previously set your challenges and reward yourself if you achieve them.
  • Start by setting simple goals that require a little effort , and gradually increase the degree of effort to demand more of yourself and achieve better results. This is the basis of the positive attitude to face a change in habits around healthy living and eating.
  • Incorporate regular exercise into your life plan, start little by little and increase the pace and intensity according to your possibilities.
  • You should eliminate precooked, fried products, processed sauces, industrial juices, sweets and fats from your diet. Completely eliminated from the diet, which does not mean that when we manage to reach a goal we reward ourselves with some whim, in moderation.
  • We must drink at least two liters of water a day , in addition we will combine it with infusions that promote hydration and the elimination of liquids.  

The basic foods of this low cost diet are foods that are available to everyone because their price is popular . These are simple, cheap foods that we can consume on a daily basis.

Among them we can find a multitude of foods, but we must highlight the weight of fruit and vegetables , which generally have an affordable and accessible price. And the white meat , and products such as legumes, the rice etc. Although fish is one of the products that can make the shopping list more expensive, we are going to bet on some type of fish that is cheaper for us, such as deep-frozen fish .

We can say that dairy products are also accessible, as well as eggs and cereals. Combining all these foods a little, we will make a simple diet to lose weight gradually and constantly.

The Low Cost Diet guidelines :

  • The breakfast will consist of cereals, either toasted bread or cereal flours. A dairy part (plain milk, with coffee or yogurt) and a protein part such as slices of ham or fresh cheese. You can also take an infusion or a natural fruit juice.
  • At mid-morning we will have a piece of fruit or a dairy.
  • We will divide the food into three main parts. The first course will always be a defatted broth or a cup of vegetable puree. The second course will always be accompanied by salad or steamed vegetables, which we will eat just after the broth or the puree, to arrive with less hunger for the second course proper. The second course can be white meat or grilled or steamed fish. One day a week we will consume pasta, another rice and another legumes. Always alternating them with grilled or baked fish or meat. We will not consume garnish potatoes. The third and last part would be the dessert (fruit or dairy) and the infusion.
  • In the middle of the afternoon , we can choose between a natural juice or a piece of fruit or some bread biscuits with some slices of ham or fresh cheese; or a dairy. We will have to alternate them, not always consume the same thing.
  • The dinner is the lightest meal of the day and consists of a bowl of defatted broth or mashed and an omelet or a scrambled. Another day fruit salad or steamed fish, soups, steamed vegetables, sauteed, etc. Before sleeping we will take an infusion.

As you can see, it is a very simple diet that you can modify at your whim with products with popular prices, available to everyone.

Staple products that will make us lose weight without our pockets noticing.

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