Home Diets to lose weightDiets by calories 1500 calorie daily diet to lose weight

1500 calorie daily diet to lose weight

by Georgia Ede
Published: Last Updated on

What type of diet is the 1500 calorie diet?

The 1500 calorie diet is found in the group of hypocaloric diets , which are those in which the calorie intake is lower than what is necessary for our body to carry out its daily activity.

It cannot be said that a hypocaloric diet is one that does not exceed such calories, since depending on the physical activity that each person performs and their metabolism, they need a greater or lesser intake, but we can say that all those that do not reach 1800 kcal are hypocaloric for a middle-aged adult with light or moderate activity.

How many kilos can I lose on the 1500 calorie diet?

This diet, being a hypocaloric diet, can make you regain your ideal weight , if you do not know how to calculate it, click here .

The weight you can lose is determined by the duration of the diet, and in a certain way your will to comply with it, that is, if you restrict processed products as indicated, do not skip it, exercise and take maximum care of your diet, you will lose more weight than that person who makes exceptions or breaks the rules, the weight to lose depends on you, firstly on your will and secondly on your ability to lose, that is, the excess weight you have.

Is a 1500 calorie diet a good option?

Within the low-calorie diets, this is one of the most common, since it is not excessively restrictive. With 1500 calories it is easy to carry out a healthy and balanced diet , without having to restrict food groups, as do other diets with a lower caloric intake, which eliminate carbohydrates, to consume fewer calories.

In any case, both simple carbohydrates and fats must be very controlled and not exceed their consumption since they increase calories considerably.

It is an easy diet to carry out, and although the food is heavy, if we do not want to be weighing each food, we will make small portions, which would be an approximation of 1500 calories.

If we weigh the food on one occasion, we already get a slight idea of ​​the average weight of the food and we can do it roughly. In any case, at the end we offer you a weekly menu to do this 1500 kcal diet.

Guidelines for doing the 1500 calorie diet

In this type of diet, it is essential to follow the guidelines shown below and not make changes to the menus, since the menus are designed for an estimated consumption of 1500 calories per day.

If we start to change one food for another we can fall into nutritional imbalances.

The guidelines are clear in this type of diet and we must be strict, since skipping certain rules would make the diet totally ineffective.

What will the 1500 calorie menu be like?

  • We will eat 5 meals a day to distribute the nutrients throughout the day so that the body does not notice drops in blood glucose (hypoglycemia). You should not skip any of the feedings, as this will help you control your appetite and anxiety, as well as prevent hypoglycemia.
  • We will start with a more powerful breakfast , a mid-morning snack. We will focus on carbohydrates, rather during the morning in a good breakfast and during lunch, which will be an important intake (controlling carbohydrates and fats), snack and dinner will be very light. Since during the night we burn much fewer calories and our body hardly needs energy.
  • The breakfast is the main meal of the day, rich in carbohydrates slow release to provide us with the energy needed to develop daily activity. If the cereals we eat are whole, much better since they contain more fiber, which helps intestinal transit. A part of protein and a piece of fruit should not be missing at breakfast . You can see here breakfasts to lose weight . Take note!
  • The mid-morning snacks and afternoon tea  will help us control our appetite and anxiety , so as not to arrive at the meal feeling very hungry and overindulge.
  • The food will have a mainly protein content , although we can consume a small part of carbohydrates, you can see healthy meals  here .
  • The dinner  will be very light, and we make it two hours before going to bed so. We recommend the following light dinners .

What can and can not eat on the 1500 calorie diet?

  • The diet is based on a high consumption of fruits , vegetables and vegetables , as well as proteins of both animal and vegetable origin .
  • The meat , preferably white, lean meats, although the consumption of red meat is allowed, they should be parts without fat.
  • The fish , preferably white, but blue can also consume twice a week. Blue fish is rich in omega 3, which are healthy fats, but it gives us more calories than white fish, if you want to know how to distinguish them, click here .
  • We must adapt the way the food is cooked , which should be grilled, or steamed , in the oven, and without fat (or oil, or butter).
  • Reduce your salt intake .
  • Eliminate simple sugars and sweets from your diet . Alcohol is not allowed, neither are soft drinks, carbonated, sweetened, nor industrial juices; for having high amounts of sugars. This is what we call empty foods, which provide us with sugars without providing any nutrient of interest to our body.
  • It is important not to add calories to the food we eat, that is, not to add oil, not to add sauces, or batter, or fry, etc; since all this would increase the caloric intake. We tend to think… for a little flour ?, for a little oil?… And they really increase the calories considerably. Because when a food is fried, it absorbs a lot of oil; just like when it is battered. Sauces have a large amount of fat from cream, or fried tomato, vegetables or sautéed meats that add a large amount of calories to our dishes.

Important nutritional guidelines

  • We should drink two liters of water a day , we can also consume sugar-free infusions and teas (to sweeten these drinks we can use stevia or sweeteners such as saccharin or aspartame).
  • We must consider a daily exercise routine . At least one hour a day walking or doing the physical activity that we like the most. It is important to do aerobic or cardio exercise, to burn fat and take advantage of the many benefits that this brings us; such as improving physical fitness, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, improving digestive function, improving fluid retention and elimination of toxins.

Tricks to carry out a 1500 calorie diet

Here is an image, which is worth a thousand words, to give you some guidelines that will serve as practical advice when it comes to following a 1500 calorie diet without failing in the attempt, because at first it can be hard to do a caloric readjustment . Take note!

1500 Calorie Diet Weekly Menu

To guide ourselves we have decided to weigh the food trying to get as close to its caloric intake as possible and provide you with the menu for one week of the 1500 calorie diet.

You can weigh it the first time to guide you with the portions and then carry it out roughly, since the fact of weighing food is usually quite boring. The monotony and the effort of having to weigh everything makes us abandon ourselves.

Semi-skimmed milk with coffee or tea (100 ml). A natural orange juice (200 ml) and half toast of bread (40 gr) with a piece of Burgos cheese (50 gr), two slices of York ham (40 gr) or four cookies (35 gr) or half cup of cereals (35 gr) replacing the toast.
2 plums (160 gr) or a skimmed yogurt (125 gr).
A complete plate of rice soup (25 gr) with vegetables (200 gr) and a complete salad (200 gr).
Mid afternoon
 An apple (200 gr).
Fish (180 gr) baked with steamed vegetables (150 gr) and potato (80 gr).
Semi-skimmed milk with coffee or tea (100 ml). A natural orange juice (200 ml) and half toast of bread (40 gr) with a piece of Burgos cheese (50 gr), two slices of York ham (40 gr) or four cookies (35 gr) or half cup of cereals (35 gr) replacing the toast.
Fruit of your choice (200 gr) or a skimmed yogurt (125 gr).
A plate of pasta Bolognese (150 gr) and a complete salad (200 gr) and a 0% flan (100 gr).
Mid afternoon
Pineapple (180 gr) or a skimmed yogurt (125 gr).
A French omelette with two eggs (120 gr) and natural tuna (60 gr).
Semi-skimmed milk with coffee or tea (100 ml). A natural orange juice (200 ml) and half toast of bread (40 gr) with a piece of Burgos cheese (50 gr), two slices of York ham (40 gr) or four cookies (35 gr) or half cup of cereals (35 gr) replacing the toast.
Watermelon or melon (150 gr) or skim yogurt (125 gr).
A plate of stewed lentils (180 gr) with potato (50 gr) and watercress and cucumber salad (200 gr) and a skimmed yogurt (125 gr).
Mid afternoon
 A piece of fruit or a yogurt.
Steamed vegetable stew (250 gr) and grilled blue fish (150 gr) and a plum (80 gr).
Semi-skimmed milk with coffee or tea (100 ml). A natural orange juice (200 ml) and half toast of bread (40 gr) with a piece of Burgos cheese (50 gr), two slices of York ham (40 gr) or four cookies (35 gr) or half cup of cereals (35 gr) replacing the toast.
Kiwi (150 gr) or a skimmed yogurt (125 gr).
A beef fillet (150 gr) and a complete salad (200 gr).
Mid afternoon
A skimmed yogurt (125 gr).
Zucchini cream (300 ml) with roast chicken (100 gr) and pear (100 gr).
Semi-skimmed milk with coffee or tea (100 ml). A natural orange juice (200 ml) and half toast of bread (40 gr) with a piece of Burgos cheese (50 gr), two slices of York ham (40 gr) or four cookies (35 gr) or half cup of cereals (35 gr) replacing the toast.
Peach (180 gr) or a skimmed yogurt (125 gr).
Grilled chicken (200 gr) and white rice (50 gr) with steamed mushrooms (50 gr).
Mid afternoon
Melon (150 gr).
Steamed mixed vegetable stew (400 gr) and a skimmed yogurt (125 gr).
Semi-skimmed milk with coffee or tea (100 ml). A natural orange juice (200 ml) and half toast of bread (40 gr) with a piece of Burgos cheese (50 gr), two slices of York ham (40 gr) or four cookies (35 gr) or half cup of cereals (35 gr) replacing the toast.
Apple (200 gr).
Blue fish (150 gr) with steamed broccoli (200 gr) and a 0% flan (100 gr).
Mid afternoon
Plums (160 gr).
Pumpkin cream (300 ml) and a skimmed yogurt (125 gr).
Semi-skimmed milk with coffee or tea (100 ml). A natural orange juice (200 ml) and half toast of bread (40 gr) with a piece of Burgos cheese (50 gr), two slices of York ham (40 gr) or four cookies (35 gr) or half cup of cereals (35 gr) replacing the toast.
A skimmed yogurt (125 gr).
Julienne soup (200 ml) beef fillet (150 gr) and 100 gr of apple.
Mid afternoon
Pineapple (180 gr).
Grilled sole (150 gr) with steamed spinach (200 gr).


1500 calorie daily menu

  • Breakfast 
  • A complete breakfast: a coffee with a toast with avocado and cheese. 

    Whole wheat bread, which favors digestion due to its fiber content, accompanied by fresh cheese that provides us with protein along with avocado, which provides us with healthy fats and a multitude of nutrients, make up a complete breakfast. We can sprinkle sweet or spicy paprika, according to our liking.

  • Food 
  • A plate of light food: Tofu sautéed with vegetables and brown rice

    This is a very easy recipe to make, first of all we will spice the tofu with the spices we prefer and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and we will reserve it. We will sauté the vegetables with brown rice and add the tofu. We can season with soy sauce if we like. A complete dish with very few calories.

  • Dinner 
  • Light dinner: Chicken skewer with vegetables

    This recipe is very simple, you just have to dice chicken and chop the vegetables. We will mount the skewers and we will make them grilled. To season we can make a light sauce of fine herbs with a yogurt, salt, a splash of lemon, pepper, dill, mint and hot paprika. A light and delicious dinner.

1500 calorie menu to lose 10 kilos

These menus are useful to do this diet, if you do it for 6 weeks, without exceptions and doing some physical exercise, you can lose more than 10 kilos.

As I have told you before, the weight you can lose depends on your will, but think that six weeks is a month and a half and that in a very short time you can lose a lot of weight in a healthy way.

Go ahead, and meet your goal. If you think you can further restrict your caloric intake, you can see other options:

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