Chinese diet pills Yes or No?

by Georgia Ede
Published: Last Updated on

This is an issue that has generated a worldwide stir . While part of the world is committed to traditional Chinese medicine for a multitude of diseases, there has been a part of that country that has taken advantage of this boom to make a profit.

While it is true, treatment with natural Chinese pills does not fall within the field of traditional Chinese medicine.

There are people who have come to the conclusion that everything that refers to China in medicine; it is a few steps ahead of Europe. But… is that true?

Next we will focus specifically on the subject of Chinese diet pills.

On the one hand, whoever has launched them on the market attributes almost miraculous benefits to it . They defend the fact of being 100% natural based on extracts of gardenia, kola nut, lotus leaf (zisu), acaccia, alismatis rhizome, amylum medica and platanus orientalis.

They address that they are plants that are used in traditional Chinese medicine , which have no side effects .

They attribute functions such as that they lower cholesterol , they are fat burners , without rebound effect when you stop consuming them,  accelerates the metabolism by burning accumulated and rebellious fats, has  anti-cellulite properties  and prevents the absorption of fats .

They make you lose 2 to 6 kg a week , because you lose weight from fat stores. They do not influence nutrition or digestion, by which they mean that it does not matter what you eat, as if you eat fast food or very greasy meals all day. It does not generate constipation, nor is it laxative, so it does not give diarrhea. Eliminates fat formations and fights the signs of aging on the skin .

If we analyze the content of the benefits attributed to these pills we can see that they act exactly the same as amphetamine medication to lose weight .

If we explore the web, forums etc, we will find that many of the people who have tried them have really lost weight, but when they stop consuming them; the rebound effect has appeared.

In addition, a large number of people report a state of constant decay , with severe headaches , physical exhaustion , disorders in thyroid function and in the hypothalamus (endocrine system) and fainting .

There are those who report states of nervousness , dizziness , tremors , a sensation of heat , palpitations to which the possibility of being altered with amphetamines is attributed, since these types of drugs produce these effects.

A common denominator to all is the constant lack of appetite , and the rebound effect that everyone refers to. Generally, people who want to lose weight and see the only possibility of having to take medication, look for fast , strong, and  aggressive drugs that reduce their appetite .

But, it is very different to reduce it, to eliminate it. If you never feel like eating, and you see this as an achievement, you are very wrong, because you will stop eating due to lack of desire and this will lead to countless problems derived from starvation, such as malnutrition, dehydration, vitamin deficiencies, etc.

A pill with which you can lose up to 6 kilos a week without side effects and without rebound effect would be the dream of anyone who wants to lose weight by eating everything they eat, without exercising, and without sacrificing or making any kind of effort .

But for now, miracles do not exist and to lose weight we must eat in a healthy , balanced way and accompany it with exercise and healthy lifestyle habits .

As very important advice when choosing a supplement to lose weight or a drug that helps you lose weight; It is very important that you pay attention to the fact that the drug has passed a control and has a health registration number and do not trust products that are bought online because their sale is prohibited in your country.

Another relevant fact is that although it is true, there are products that are not sold in certain countries or their sale is prohibited but they have passed a strict control and that we could acquire from other countries.

It is in this case when we can look at whether they have been tested and tested by the FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) is the American administration in charge of testing food products and drugs, it is responsible for scientifically testing them and ensuring public health in relation to to medications.

Returning to the initial question , are Chinese pills a good option for weight loss? definitely and absolutely NO . They are not, in fact they are attributed a couple of fatal cases that have not been proven; but we will always have doubts.

Go ahead and switch to a healthy lifestyle , eating healthy and exercising; you will surely achieve your goal. There are many ways to achieve it but the best is the healthiest, do not hesitate.

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